"Love never fails;
Character never quits;
and with patience and persistence;
Dreams do come true."
Pete Maravich
The latest news from the Sawmill Strays!
Bev has signed the lease for the land where the abandoned trailer stands. This is great news! Now she can proceed with making improvments, such as cleaning up the trash, and establishing dog runs. We're hoping we can get a mission group to help with the labor. But one day at a time. The hauling away of the trash seems to be the next hurdle to cross.
- The dogs are safe,
- several have been spayed and neutered
- Bev has aquired the lease to the land.
- we still have approximately $350 available
- the pups are now 4 months old.
And when we started out, we thought this was all somehow impossible to achieve. Praying folks, please keep Bev and her animals in your prayers, all others, send good karma.