Monday, February 9, 2009

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.

It's not.

~Dr. Seuss

Here's the latest news from Sawmill Hollow in Welch, West Virginia.

  • Bev knows a woman in Richmond, who has been sending donations of food, to help feed all the animals. Bev received a letter from her late last week that said she has arranged with a local vet to take care of the spaying surgery for two of the female dogs, plus pay for their shots. The vet this woman contacted is the very same vet that Bev has been making her arrangements with. I'm amazed at how this is all coming together.
  • Three cats will be checking in on Tuesday evening for surgery on Wednesday.
  • We sent Bev a money order for $200 on Saturday.
  • Bev has ordered a dog crate on-line, so that she doesn't have to build one in the cold, nasty weather.
  • Late last week Bev reports they had 6 inches of snow, and had to carry the dog food and supplies, up the hill, the gravel roads are not cleared, so the truck wouldn't make it.( hope the weather is better this week!)
  • Bev had an exciting evening at work Saturday night, besides doing her normal cleaning routine, she had to call the fire department to help her turn off the water, after the water pipes ruptured at the movie theatre. Water everywhere, and a long night of clean up.

So keep Bev and her furry friends in your thoughts and prayers. Progress is being made, because of your help and prayers. Thanks to all!

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